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cell phone radiation

WHO Research on Cell Phone and Wireless Health Risks

The World Health Organization Funded Systematic Reviews on Wireless Risk ICBE-EMFs Review Finds Serious Scientific Flaws The International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF)  is closely monitoring, thoroughly reviewing and publishing expert critiques on a series of World Health Organization (WHO) funded research reviews on the health risks of wireless radio frequency (RF) radiation. RF is a… 

Timeline: WHO Initiatives on Wireless Radio Frequency Non-ionizing Electromagnetic Field Health Effects

Timeline WHO Initiatives on Wireless Health Effects  Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) EMF Project’s last completed research review on wireless radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic field (EMF) is dated 1993. The Project has sought to revise the monograph for over a decade. Its first attempt in 2013 was abandoned over transparency issues. In 2019, the WHO EMF Project relaunched the effort and… 

New Publication: Scientists Find WHO Cell Phone Radiation Cancer Study “Scientifically Flawed”

New Publication: WHO Cell Phone Radiation Cancer Study is “Seriously Flawed” Scientists conclude the review does not assure wireless safety, and should not be used to set public health policy    Media Contact:Joel Moskowitz PhDEmail: A Letter to the Editor published in the journal Environment International by the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF) concludes… 

Scientific Response to the Rebuttal of Karipidis et al. to the ICBE-EMF’s Criticisms of the WHO Cell Phone Radiation Cancer Review

Scientific rebuttal to the misleading responses from Karipidis et al. on the ICBE-EMF critique of their systematic review on exposure to RF-EMF and human cancer January 15, 2025 On December 30, 2024, the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF) published a critique (Frank et al., 2024a) of the systematic review (SR) on wireless radio frequency electromagnetic… 

Cell Phone Radiation Reduction Solutions To Protect Health

Engineering Solutions To Mitigate Cell Phone Radiation Exposure   There are numerous hardware and software changes that can reduce exposure to cell phone radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation. Research links cell phone and wireless to numerous health effects from cancer and DNA damage to impacts on the reproductive, endocrine, immune and neurological system.     The ICBE-EMF published the peer reviewed paper “Cell… 

FCC and ICNIRP Limits

FCC and ICNIRP Human Exposure Limits   Inadequate to Protect Health or Environment The wireless radiation exposure limits of the U.S.  Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the International Commission on Non Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) are inadequate to protect health. They ignore hundreds of scientific studies documenting adverse health effects at wireless exposures below the threshold dose claimed by these agencies,… 

News on Wireless and EMF Science, Health and Safety

The Latest News on EMF ICBE-EMF Comments to ANSES on Radiofrequency and Cancer icbeAdmin November 26, 2024 ICBE-EMF Comments to ANSES on Radiofrequency and Cancer The International Commission on the Biological Effects… World Health Organization Cell Phone Cancer Review Captured by ICNIRP? icbeAdmin September 11, 2024 World Health Organization Cell Phone Cancer Review Captured by ICNIRP? Microwave News, which has… 

Factsheets on EMF and Wireless Health Safety Risks and Science

ICBE-EMF Factsheets Government Safety Limits: Factsheet: Scientific Evidence Invalidates Health Assumptions of Government Exposure Limits for Radiofrequency Radiation (RFR): Implications for 5G  Cell Phone Radiation Engineering Solutions: Cell Phone Radiation Exposure Limits and Engineering Solutions to Minimize User RF Radiation Exposure  How to Protect Yourself: Safety Tips on Reducing Wireless Radiation Exposure Infographics Wireless Radiation Limits Are Inadequate to Protect… 

Scientific Flaws of the WHO Review on Cell Phone Radiation Cancer Risk

Scientific Flaws in the Karipidis et al. (2024) Systematic Review on Human Observational Studies of Radiofrequency Radiation and Cancer Risk The scientific evidence is not conclusive that cell phones are safe. DOWNLOAD ICBE-EMF FACTSHEET ON WHO CELL PHONE CANCER STUDY Scientific Flaws in the Karipidis et al. (2024) Systematic Review on Human Observational Studies of Radiofrequency Radiation and Cancer Risk… 

World Health Organization Cell Phone Cancer Review Captured by ICNIRP?

World Health Organization Cell Phone Cancer Review Captured by ICNIRP? Microwave News, which has reported on the science and policy of EMF since 1981,  reports on power grab by telecom industry-tied and ICNIRP conflicted scientists working closely with the World Health Organization on their research reviews in a recent article called Old Wine in New Bottles.  “Mobile Phones Are Not…