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Published: April 4, 2023

Cell phone radiation exposure limits and engineering solutions

Summary Statement
This paper details six low-cost engineering fixes that could dramatically reduce cellphone radiation. The paper also discusses seven blind spots in the way we have set emissions standards for cellphones. Those blind spots suggest that current standards are inadequate and that no one can be assured that cellphones on the market today are safe.

Highlights and Background


News Release (French translation)

Cellphone Safety infographic (French translation)

Cellphone safety infographic (Turkish translation)


Take-away messages 

  • ICBE-EMF scientists report that exposure limits for radiofrequency (or wireless) radiation set by ICNIRP and the FCC are based on invalid assumptions and outdated science, and are not protective of human health and wildlife.

  • ICBE-EMF calls for an independent assessment of the effects and risks of radiofrequency radiation based on scientific evidence from peer-reviewed studies conducted over the past 25 years. The aim of such assessment would be to establish health protective exposure standards for workers, the public and the environment.

  • The public should be informed of the health risks of wireless radiation and encouraged to take precautions to minimize exposures, especially for children, pregnant women and people who are electromagnetically hypersensitive.

  • ICBE-EMF calls for an immediate moratorium on further rollout of 5G wireless technologies until safety is demonstrated, and not simply assumed.

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