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Appeal of the Scientists for Electromagnetic Safety to Italy

  • 2 min read

Italy has the lowest EMF exposure limits in Europe. EMF experts and citizens successfully opposed a proposal by the Italian government to increase the radiofrequency exposure limits.


An Appeal by over 50 scientists with extensive publications sent “Appeal of the Scientists for Electromagnetic Safety” to the Italian Government, to the Parliament, to the Regions and to the Autonomous Provinces stating:


“We – the undersigned biologists, physicists, chemists and doctors – have been conducting research on the effects of electromagnetic fields for decades and we have never used industry funds of telecommunications, prooving that we have always worked in the exclusive interest of public health. The news that the Government is considering the possibility of increasing the attention value by 6 V/m for the living areas where people stay more than 4 hours is the cause for great concern. Our studies, and more generally international research in the latest twenty years, have largely demonstrated that exposure to radiofrequency, even below the current ICNIRP/WHO safety standards, can cause damage to health and it can reduce the levels of well-being in the general population.” 


“Radiofrequency has been associated with several health problems including:

  • cancer (RF was classified by IARC as a “possibly carcinogenic for Man” in 2011, but subsequent studies concluded that radiofrequency falls within the parameters of Class 2A,1 that is to  say “probable carcinogen”, and of Class 1 that is to say “certain carcinogen”);
  • neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s;
  • male and female infertility;
  • increased oxidative stress (related to many chronic diseases);
  • neurobehavioral changes in children born to mothers who used the mobile phone in pregnancy;
  • immune dysfunction;
  • alterations of insulin metabolism;
  • increased cerebral permeability and alterations of cerebral metabolism”


See the Appeal submitted by the Scientists for Electromagnetic Safety